Celebrate Valentines Over Teddy bears and Personalised Gifts

Love at first sight! That’s the kind of bewitching spell teddy bears cast on every girl’s heart. And why they wouldn’t? They are furry, they are cuddly, and they are absolutely lovable that no soul can help but to fall for them.

Valentine Celebration With Personalied Gifts

Next in the line to plushy teddy bears are personalised gifts that harbour innate power to touch a heart beautifully. Infused with sentiments and carrying traces of one’s personality, personalised gifts bring much joy, affection, and warmth to the receiver's soul.

February --the month of love will be gracing us all soon with an entire week of mushiness. Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and Valentine’s Day-- all the seven days provides lovebirds with an opportunity to express their feelings in vivid ways. And, what’s better to do it plushy and bespoke over tokens?

Here’s our list of favourites, this Valentine.

1. Plushy Teddy Bear

Teddy day is one of the gooey days in Valentine's week. To celebrate the feelings of warmth and companionship, soft teddy bears are gifted, usually by a boyfriend to his girlfriend. You know the trick to make her fall for you is to give her a teddy bear. All it will cost you is your time to browse teddy day gifts online where you will come across a plethora of aww so cute options.

Plushy Teddy Bear

2. Cuddly Cushions

Another token of comfort and love--cushions. Available in varying shapes, every cushion gift whispers feelings of love and romance in the heart of the receiver. This Valentine’s, extend to your partner personalised cushions stuffed with heart-warming memories and words of affection to make her day. Heart-shaped, heart-eye emoji cushion, teddy bear cushions are the perfect happy teddy day 2020 gifts.

Cuddly Cushions

3. Igniting LED Lamps

Valentine’s calls for treating each other with gifts that allow you to cherish beautiful moments spent together. Personalised gifts are the ones we vouch for. Ignite the light of your love with engraved LED lamps. Every night turn on the beacon of your love (LED Lamp) and let your love shine out vibrantly.

Igniting LED Lamps

4. Memorable Photo Gifts

It’s the memories that take up the most space in our heart. It’s the photo gifts that present to us a chance to relive those golden time, again and over again. Photo-frames, mugs, plants, pillows, tote bags-- there are many choices for you. Personalised soft toys are in vogue that is an ideal fit for happy teddy day for girlfriend, Hug Day, Valentine’s Day.

Memorable Photo Gifts

5. Melting Love Chocolates

Chocolates are not just sweet delicacies; it is a symbol of sheer pleasure. With personalised chocolates like I Love You, I Miss You, photo chocolates; you have the means to arouse love feelings by submerging them in a pool of deliciousness. It is because “the way to one’s heart is through the stomach.” When you feed the stomach, you feed one’s soul.

Melting Love Chocolates

Carpe Diem the love week over plushy and personalised tokens!

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